Coaching Articles
This category will represent articles that reflect on coaches working with their athletes, how they co-exist with a team, and different techniques that will reveal more successful outcomes for performance. Coaches are also looked at in a holistic view, how they are functioning at both high-performance and youth positions and what their life-work balance entails. Coping strategies, philosophies, and mental skills training is identified and discussed from multiple perspectives.
July 12, 2022
Changes in Motivation and Burnout Indices in High-Performance Coaches Over the Course of a Competitive Season ...
Read more July 12, 2022
Other-Initiated Motivational Climate and Youth Hockey Players’ Good and Poor Sport Behaviors Davies, M. J., ...
Read more July 23, 2022
Developmental consulting in a professional football academy: The 5Cs coaching efficacy program. Reference: Har...
Read moreInjury
Injury is looked at from all angles, pre-injury, during the rehabilitation process, and post injury. Discussion on the most useful mental skills training and strategies for successful recovery is presented. Further elaboration using previous research, personal experiences and perspectives from sport psychology consultants, coaches, teammates, and athletic trainers is utilized in identifying successful outcomes.
Mental toughness is one of those words that has been thrown around for over 20 years to describe how we view an athlete that performs well. In fact, when an athlete performs well in the wake of his/her personal tragedy we use this as an example of what mental toughness is in sport. For example, Brett Favre playing in the football game the day after his father passed away. That day he passed for 399 yards and four touchdowns…he was mentally tough.
Read More July 23, 2022
Examining Hardiness, Coping and Stress-Related Growth Following Sport Injury Salim, J., Wadey, R., & Diss,...
Read moreTechniques
Techniques can be all encompassing of the interventions, techniques, and recommendations for performance enhancement and metal skills training that are made for all of the following prospects; coaches, teams, individual athletes, and sport psychology consultants. Techniques can be specific to a problem or used to simply enhance the positive development of the previously mentioned perspective learners. Techniques can be facilitated or received by any group or individual.
Mental toughness is one of those words that has been thrown around for over 20 years to describe how we view an athlete that performs well.
July 12, 2022
Delivery of Psychological Skills Training to Youngsters Foster, D., Maynard, I., Butt, J., & Hays, K. (201...
Read more July 12, 2022
Controlling emotions in sport Given the large effect that emotion has been known to have on sports performance...
Read moreMental skills
Teaching mental skills is one of the main objective of sport psychology consultants and can be done the exploration of emotion regulation, self-efficacy, grit, hardiness, or mental toughness to name a few. The goal of mental skills is to enhance the athletes overall ability to preform at their optimal level as well as be able to translate developing sports-related skills to life experiences and growth.
July 12, 2022
What is This Thing Called Mental Toughness? Investigation of Elite Sport Performers by Rachel Webb The article...
Read more July 12, 2022
The development and maintenance of mental toughness in the world’s best performers Connaughton, D., Hanton, ...
Read more July 12, 2022
Controlling emotions in sport Given the large effect that emotion has been known to have on sports performance...
Read more July 12, 2022
A new theoretical perspective for understanding how coaches learn to coach Werthner, P., & Trudel, P. (200...
Read moreMotivation
Different types of motivation are discussed. How individuals are motivated, why that is, and how to reach a player to foster this motivation are a few facets explored in these articles. Also discussed is motivation from individual coaches, athletes, or a team perspective.
July 12, 2022
Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations: Classic definitions and new directions Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (20...
Read moreGroup dynamics
Group dynamics is a very popular area for sport psychology consultants to work with. The dynamics, cohesion, and characteristics of a successful group are researched in the provided articles. The interventions and techniques necessary to build positive team dynamics and ways to effectively operate within a team are explored.
Group dynamics in sports: an overview and recommandationsKleinert, J., Ohlert, J., Carron, B., Eys, M., Feltz, D., Harwood, C., & Sulprizio, M. (2012). Group dynam...
READ MORE July 12, 2022
A qualitative study of performance leadership and management in elite sport This particular study is made up o...
Read more July 23, 2022
Group dynamics in sports: an overview and recommendations on diagnostic and intervention. Kleinert, J., Ohlert...
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